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Small Batch Series: Finca La Esperanza

Our Small Batch Series is a program of limited decaf green coffee offerings that features hyper-seasonal, highly traceable, and really tasty coffees. Our newest offering is from Finca La Esperanza.

When it was time to renovate the fields of aging trees at Finca La Esperanza in El Salvador’s Canton El Porvenir, the team at Café Pacas saw an opportunity. Since 2012, the farm has been progressively updated, redesigned, and reimagined as a separated varietal garden, including Red and Orange Bourbon coffees, Pacamara, Kenya, Bernardina, Mokka, and of course Pacas varieties. Coffees grown here are naturally processed nearby at the Vivagua mill. The particular lot we’ve chosen for this Small Batch Series offering is a naturally processed Red Bourbon.

The farm itself is perfectly suited to coffee: it spans altitudes from 1,000–1,750 masl, is shielded from winds, and allows for tremendous biodiversity and shade plants like conifers, eucalyptus, and ingas, and the farm is proximal to a wild-growing cypress forest just above. Ecologically beneficial practices on the farm itself include green-approved fertilizers, the use of fosas to capture water and organic runoff, and soil erosion prevention measures.

As a provider of more than 65 jobs within the community, Finca La Esperanza puts a special focus on the well-being of its workers, including providing wellness initiatives and offering access to mental health programs. 

We're delighted to have sourced this special El Salvador coffee offering to share with our roaster partners and friends. If you're interested in purchasing this, or another Small Batch Series green coffee offering, please reach out to us.

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